Having learned about the Judeo-Christian faith at length, I realized that the religion is essentially a case of Stockholm Syndrome. By believing in an omniscient, omnipresent God that favors one group of people over all others, those people needed to find ways to rationalize all their suffering and upsets.
Whenever dark times fell on them, they interpreted it as God punishing them for not "keeping the faith" (aka. not praying hard enough!), which is no different than an abused child or spouse blaming themself because a loved one abused them.
When other suffered or were destroyed, these same people interpreted it as "They died for their wicked ways! Don't f*** with God!" And this was just proof that the "chosen people" were favored to inherit the world.
That is, of course, only so long as you take the existence of God as a literal truth. In truth, this was a religion invented by people that contained all the fallacies and weaknesses of human being. Anthropocentrism (the world is yours to exploit!), Ethnocentrism (the "chosen people"), the need to rationalize a chaotic world that scared them ("God did it"), and irrational fear ("God is pissed!")