So... you're claiming that Trump supporters are somehow victims of poverty and their hatred is based on "liberal elitism"? That seems extremely presumptious and based on the entirely cliched belief that Democrats are somehow all well-to-do East Coast elitists.
It also completely rejects how Trump supporters label Sanders, AOC, and other progressive candidates who actually want reform that favors working people as "communists" and various hateful labels.
Having listened to Trump supporters attempts to rationalize their beleifs, I know that what they believe has nothing to do with poverty and mistreatment, it has to do with entitlement, bigotry, and right-wing conditioning.
They fear what they know nothing about, and they hate what they fear. They commit violence in the name of that ignorance and betray the very ideals they claim to own. Meanwhile, liberals try to rationalize their behavior with self-flagellation and self-blaming. It's a sickness, frankly!