The Ross 248 Project eARCs are now Available!
That’s right! The Electronic Advanced Reader Copies (eARCs) of The Ross 248 Project are now available for Kindle and in other e-formats. This anthology contains scientific essays and science fiction stories that explore how humans may one day live on plants that orbit Red Dwarf suns. The volume is edited by famed NASA scientists and SF author Les Johnson and terraforming specialist Ken Roy — who coined the idea for “Shellworlds” (see graphic below).
My own contribution was an essay titled “Terraforming Planets Under a Red Sun,” which reviews the relevant science and ecological engineering behind terraforming, how it could be used to transform planets and moons in our Solar System, and how this might be applied to exoplanets as well. This summer, I will be joining Johnson and Roy on a panel that discusses the new book at the 8th Interstellar Symposium: “In the Light of Other Suns.” This will event is taking place at McGill University, Montreal, from July 10th — 13th and is being hosted by the Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx).
And if you’re in Montreal that week, swing on by! We’ll grab some smoked meat and beers! And be sure to check out The Ross 248 Project over at or pre-order the paperback at Simon & Schuster!