To be clear, you take issue with overthrowing democratically-elected governments, yet you have nothing to say about Russia invading a country to overthrow a democratically-elected government and install a puppet state?
You talk about European colonialism and yet you defend Russia's war crimes in Ukraine, which are merely the latest in a long line committed by Russian dictatorships in order to grow their empires. Do you even know Russia's history of colonization, of the Great Terror, of the Holomodir, and the way Ukrainians were used as cannon fodder by the Red Army?
Also, I'm a historian, so I guarantee I know this history better than you. Hence why I condemn Putin's actions and his crimes, rather than deflecting from them with this bullshit "whataboutism." That's what Putin does whenever he needs to deflect from his crimes. Also, you're clearly assuming I'm American, but I'm a Canadian who opposed U.S. hegemony, Canada's own human rights abuses, and Eurocentric imperialism. That way, I can condemn a war criminal like Putin without being a hypocrite. You, on the other hand, defend Putin and are an extreme hypocrite for it.
You want to talk about mental illness and projection? How stupid do you have to be to defend war criminals based on the actions of other criminals? How stupid are you to think that it's wrong for he U.S. and Europeans to commit war, genocide, enslavement, and imperialism, but it's okay for Russia to do it?
You've got Dunning-Kruger in spades pal! You think you're exposing hypocrisy, but you're the hypocrite! You project your moral and intellectual failings on others, too inept to see that you're the one viewing this through ideological blinkers and condoning evil acts.
You are either a complete and total dupe, or you're a lying hypocrite like the author here. He's a mouthpiece repeating Russian propaganda from St. Petersburg. You're jus a useful idiot who thinks this fool speaks he truth.