Uh, no, I am hardly in a rage. In fact, I'm not angry at all. And whether the author was implying racism was involved, I was not. And you are the one once again bringing up race, claiming that minorities in the U.S. are just as ignorant. You know this how?
It's frankly laughably ironic you'd be making assumptions about "brown people" at home and abroad in an attempt to prove that racism isn't an issue here. And it also demonstrates that you don't know much about people in other countries. Statistically speaking, they are more likely to know things about your country than you are theirs.
You're also assuming your experience characterizes all Americans and (apparently) the world. Your claims notwithstanding, the U.S. education system is a problem compared to every other developed nation in the world. I too did well in school and am 44 now,- and working multiple jobs, yet I can still find countries on a map and keep up with world events.
I agree that the national media is a problem too. But that demonstrates the cultural issue here. Americans don't care about what's going on in the rest of the world. They consider knowing what's going on to be beneath them and not worth their time. You've demonstrated that that yourself this "I'm too busy to care" line. You may want to believe that racism isn't a factor, but that's all you and you're claims sound like excuses.
In summary, you're on the defensive and it shows. But your fragility is irrelevant to me. If you want to walk off in a huff, be my guest. But cut the pretense. You're offended because you see this as an insult to yourself and your country. That's not an adult thing to do, neither is projecting your anger. It's petty and childish.