What are you taking about? I never said I hold the British responsible for the potato famine (they are of course) or that I wanted anything from them. Where did you get that impression from? As far as I can tell, we agree on all the salients points you mentioned, though I am not sure why you even brought them up. We were discussing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and I mentioned the parallels I saw to North America. Why would you bring up reparations?
One thing I will stress is that there’s a big difference between the potato famine and British oppression of Ireland and the issues of First Nations people throughout the Americas today. The former ended a long time ago, the latter is ongoing. We, as the beneficiaries of that oppression, owe them big. And the first step would be to do the very things you recommend, which is treat people fairly and equally.
At least, that was my takeaway from what you posted. It wasn't entirely unclear, to be honest, you kind of rambled there.