Who said I hate communism and Russians? At no point did I suggest anything other than the American military adventurism was mistaken and stupid. You seem to be projecting your own assumptions onto me here.
Also, the Soviet Union never welcomed foreign investment. It's resources and wealth were derived entirely from territories until its own control, which included the Eastern SSRs it "liberatred" from the Nazis, only to place under permanent occupation. And the quality of life of its citizens lagged severely behind that of Western nations since Soviet policy was always to fortify heavy industry and defense at the expense of the well-being of its citizens.
And Ho Chi Minh was a nominal ally of the U.S. during the Japanese occupation. That changed entirely in the postwar period when the French were restored to colonial power. And Castro never sought closer relations with the U.S. President Eisenhower recognized Castro's government, but relations detoriated when it became clear Castro intended to nationalize the economy (not saying that was wrong, but it was the reason for the breach).
Also, it was a socialist government that took power in Afghanistan through a coup that asked for the help of the USSR. The Soviets got involved, overthrew the local government, and put their own people in charge. The U.S. involvement was entirely self-serving, but they hardly were responsible for the situation.
You're oversimplifying in the extreme in an obvious attempt to blame the situation in the Ukraine on the U.S. and the E.U. Putin is the one who has chosen to invade yet again in a feeble attempt to reacquire a former territory and is using Nazi-esque tactics to justify both the invasion and the annexation. You yourself admitted to the parallels in one of your own posts.