Your Fascist Future: A Guide to America in 2025
Some serious thoughts and hard questions about the prospects for the 2024 elections and four more years of TFG!
So… the other day I was informed that data obtained by the New York Times and Siena College polls indicated that Trump is actually leading Biden in the polls. As someone who has not been living in a cave for the past decade, I’ve grown rather cynical. But even I was appalled to hear this news. It was one thing to hear that Trump was neck in neck, but leading? It was enough to inspire the following rant to themore than half of Americans who swiped right on four more years of TFG.
Historical Abnesia
Are you serious right now? What the f — is the matter with the roughly more than half of you who want this man back in power? Have you suffered a sudden case of retrograde amnesia where you’ve forgotten everything this dumpster-fire put you through in the past seven years? Let’s review, shall we?
In 2016, you were presented with two candidates. One was an establishment figure who had apparent “baggage” that, if you squinted hard enough, looked like some serious scandal fodder. The other was a repeat sex-offender, noted liar, loudmouthed bigot, and fraudster who humiliated himself repeatedly on the campaign trail, mocked a disabled reporter, bragged about sexually-assaulting women, insulted the family of a gold star veteran, had active ties to a hostile regime, and may have been involved in an act of cyber-terrorism (by said regime) to influence the election.
Granted, most of you didn’t vote for that guy. But enough of you did to allow him to secure the presidency. What followed was four years of tragic comedy, constant lies and fabrications, daily scandals, temper tantrums, constant embarrassments, cover-ups, abuses of power, extreme corruption, election tampering, two impeachments, the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression,
In 2020, you voted the tragic clown out by an unprecedented margin, despite his attempts to suppress the vote. How did he respond? Repeated attempts to overturn the election based on fraudulent claims. When that failed, he attempted to seize control of the government by forcing his VP to overturn the election results and bring in the military. When that failed, he incited an insurrection to overthrow the government, murder his political opponents and his former VP, and have himself installed as dictator.
And on top of that, he stole classified documents which he clearly meant to sell and bilked his supports for millions of dollars for his “legal fund,” but still managed to NOT pay his attorneys. Yep, he was living off your donations and making you look like complete chumps and morons… AGAIN!
After all of that, and faced with an upcoming election, the majority of you are actually thinking, “Yeah, I want four more years of that!”
Putting aside the obvious question (are you f — ing insane?) there’s an equally-important question you need to ask yourself: What do you think will happen if you re-elect him?
Project 2025
Let’s take a look at what he and his followers are actually planning for 2025. They’ve become so obvious in their pro-fascist, right-wing hatred, and totalitarian agenda that they aren’t hiding any of their plans. They’ve even developed a manifesto for it titled, “Project 2025: The Conservative Promise.”
Flipping through it, you will notice how they promise to enact the following:
- A total ban on abortion
- A ban on “CRT” and the teaching of racism in America
- Labeling any talk of gender/sexuality as “pornography” or “pedophilia”
- Banning any discussion about “gender equality,” or reproductive rights
- Create educational materials in line with “Biblical teachings”
- Defund the DOJ and give the White House complete control
- Get rid of the Dept. of Homeland Security, Education, Commerce, Health and Communication
- Put all remaining federal departments under presidential control
In other words, they intend to create a fascist and theocratic state where the president has complete control over every aspect of American life. They intend to deprive all women everywhere of their bodily autonomy and will make abortion a criminal offense, even where rape, incest, and the mother’s health are concerned. The partial bans we’ve seen have already cost lives as doctors are unable to perform life-saving procedures because they are afraid of being prosecuted.
American history will be white-washed, Black history erased, and any mention of gay people or gender and sexuality will be banned. “Don’t say gay” and hatred of non-binary, non-heterosexual people will be enshrined into law. This is their social agenda, and it goes beyond petty bigotry to the level of true fascism, with all the extreme racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and hypocrisy that that entails.
Lock Them Up (but let me go)!
On top of that, it’s also been leaked that Trump has some serious plans for revenge and retribution if and when he is elected. According to the leaked information, in 2025, he plans to:
- Pardon himself and all GOP allies of criminal wrong-doings
- Direct the DOJ to arrest his enemies on “trumped up” charges
- Invoke the Insurrection Act (talk about irony!) to declare martial law
- Install himself as “president for life”
- Curtail aid to Ukraine, withdrawn from NATO, and praises Putin some more!
And let’s be honest, this is NO surprise, is it? Any idiot can see why Trump is running for office again, and its in the hopes of pardoning himself for his crimes and using the office of POTUS to persecute his enemies. In fact, he’s never been very good at hiding his constant abuses of power and criminal behavior and even bragged about it. Like how he:
- Sexualizes his daughter
- Sexually assaults women
- Is buddies with Putin
- Directed Flynn to commit treason
- Fired Comey over the “Russia thing”
- Supports white supremacists
- Lied about COVID
- Is a proud nationalist
- Wants to be dictator
- Will use his power to settle his personal scores
This is the man you want running your country? Forget for one second where you might have checked your brains, where the hell is your self-respect and dignity? After all the pain, suffering, cheating, lying, and bilking this man has victimized you with, you’re saying “please sir, I want some more”?
Reality Check
Okay, deep breath. And in truth, things are not all that bad. So for the roughly half of you who haven’t lost your minds, here’s a helpful reality check that encouraged the hell out of me. Polling data taken a year away from an election generally shows an incumbent is behind. And if there’s one thing Trump has proven, it’s that he has a penchant for losing (even when the game is rigged). Consider the following. Trump won the 2016 election, technically, but the numbers and outcomes since do not lie:
- In 2016, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes
- In 2018, the GOP lost the mid-term elections
- In 2020, Trump lost by an unprecedented 7 million votes
- In 2022, the GOP under-performed in the mid-terms
And in 2023, the GOP lost several key races and suffered a severe leadership crisis after McCarthy was removed as House Speaker. In any case where abortion is a key issue, the pro-choice candidate (the Democrat) has won and the GOP have lost. And it’s all because of Trump and the way he constantly poisoning everything around him. He has said all along that his handpicked candidates lose because they “fail to embrace him.” But anyone who does embrace him ends up defeated, humiliated, and becomes a screaming voice in the wilderness.
That’s an encouraging sign and a reminder that in 2024, people’s votes (and not polls) will be what matter. And wherever ballots are being cast, the votes consistently reject Trump and the MAGA agenda.